Author: Dave Applegate

    29 Aug

    Rodgard Product Guide

    Rodgard Run Flat Tire Insert Product Guide

    The following chart is provided to assist you in the product selection for your vehicle. Using the charts: select a Rodgard Run Flat Tire Insert based on your tire size and profile. The color coding chart is used for the proper selection.
    NOT Recommended for your application: Please contact us.
    Close Fit: Requires Detailed Application Review with our Engineers.
    Best Fit: Optimal Run Flat Performance for standard roads.
    Best Fit: Optimal Run Flat Performance for Rough Off-Road conditions.
    Limited Run Flat PerformancePlease contact us.

    Run Flat Tire Insert Displays Are AvailableMin. order one set: [4] units.
    Distributors, Fleet Vehicle Users, Vehicle Builders, your Inquires are welcome!

    Please note: specifications and information listed on this page are subject to change without notice

    Return to Rodgard Run Flat Inserts Page

    29 Aug

    Rodgard Run Flat Tire Inserts Installation

    Exploded view of Rodgard Run Flat Tire Insert installed on a wheelFITTING INSTRUCTIONS

    14” Standard
    15” Standard
    16” Standard
    16” Super Standard
    16” XT
    16” Heavy Duty
    17” Standard
    17” Super Standard

    This manual details the instructions to install the Rodgard Runflat system on one piece drop center wheels equipped with safety humps.

    Failure to follow these instructions may result in component failure and reduced performance.

    This manual details the instructions to install the Rodgard Runflat system on one piece drop center wheels equipped with safety humps.

    Failure to follow these instructions may result in component failure and reduced performance.

    The Run Flat system is installed during the tire installation. It is shipped from the manufacturer as a completely assembled unit, and consists of two major components: the Runner and Roller.  (ref. Figure 1)

    Hand Tools and Equipment (Figure 2)
    •Spanner Adjustment tool (provided) (A)
    •Metal tire valve (provided) (B)
    •Installation Labels (provided) (C)
    •Loctite lubricant (provided) (D)
    •9/16” socket extension ratchet
    •Standard tubeless tire mounting tools
    •Standard tire mounting machine
    •Wood blocks
    Please note: To help assist with installation, some photos do not depict the lubricant on the roller and runner.

    For first time installation, it may be beneficial to install the system on the wheel without the tire. This will allow you to become familiar with the steps prior to full installation.
    1. Separate the two roller segments by removing the cross bolts of each section.

    2. Do not remove the factory installed lubricant. This is a special, high temperature lubricant that will not harm the tire.

    3. Remove the existing rubber valve from the wheel and replace with the metal valve supplied. Also, remove the thumb screw from the spanner nut and keep in hand.

    4. With the outboard side of the wheel facing up, install the tire beads on the wheel. Remove the upper bead only. The lower bead can be seated or unseated based on the installers preference.

    5. Raise the upper bead and insert the runner as shown in Figure 3. Be sure the side marked “OUTBOARD” is facing up. Pushing down on the tire at the valve stem location, verify the valve stem is in the opening of the runner. (Figure 4).

    Once the runner is in place, reach inside and pull the runner up to ensure it is seated correctly within the drop center of the wheel.

    6. Place a few wood blocks between the wheel and tire as shown in Figure 5. This will allow clearance to install the roller sections

    7a. With the roller “OUTBOARD” side up, snake the roller into the tire as shown in Figure 6 7b. Repeat this for the 2nd half, making sure the eye bolts are in the proper orientation. Refer to Figure 1 for the correct orientation.

    8. Reaching inside the tire, rotate the eye bolts and engage the bolt within the other roller section. Rotate the entire unit until the hardware location of the rollers is approximately 90°from the valve stem.

    9. Place blocks of wood between the tire and rollers to keep the roller engaged with the runner. (Figure 8)

    10. While pulling the tire bead back with a tire iron, orient the eye bolt so the eye is visible through the slot in the roller. If necessary loosen the spanner nut.

    Insert the cross bolt and tighten with a 9/16” socket extension ratchet until snug. (Figure 9). Complete for the other location.

    11. Use the spanner tool to tighten the rollers together. (Figure 10).
    Tighten both ends equally until the roller has a gap approximately equal to the gap noted on the Roller Gap Form included with these instructions. Use a standard tape measure. (Figure 11) (Approx. 6mm)

    12. Apply loctite to the thumb screw and thread into the spanner nut. Use hand pliers to tighten until snug (Figure 12)

    13. Rotate the thumb spanner toward the outside of the tire until contact is made. (Figure 13)

    14. Be sure to remove all wood blocks and tools from the inside of the tire.

    15. Place lubricant on the outboard tire bead and install. Inflate the tire to the recommended tire pressure. (Figure 15)

    16. Balance the wheel and remove excess lubricant from the exterior of the tire.

    17. Place the installation label on the wheel to specify a runflat is installed. (Figure 15)

    17.Mount the Wheel –You are finished!

    18. Keep the instructions and installation tools with the vehicle spare tire to facilitate future tire changes.

    Fits standard rim sizes: 13″ 14″ 15″ 16″ 17″ 17.5″ 18″ 19.5″ 22.5″
    For Family Cars, Trucks, Vans, Police, Fire, Safety Vehicles
    Please note: specifications and information listed on this page are subject to change without notice.

    Return to Rodgard Run Flat Inserts Page

    29 Aug

    Bulldog 12000 Series Vehicle Fragmentation Bomb blankets

    Passenger Fragmentation BlanketOur Bulldog 12000 Series Vehicle Fragmentation / Bomb blankets are protected with a heavy duty black nylon water proof outer cover. This feature makes them ideal for use in vehicles were no carpet is used or needed, or in military situations where the vehicle would be subject water immersion. Our Vehicle Fragmentation Blankets are also designed to fit under the existing carpet of vehicles with no fitting or trim problems.

    Removable/replaceable black nylon waterproof outer cover is standard. There’s no need to replace the whole blanket if just the outer cover is damaged.

    Removable Rubber Floor Mats with velcro attachments are available at an extra charge for vehicles not needing carpet.

    Fleet Vehicle Use: Our Bulldog 12000 Series Vehicle Fragmentation / Bomb blanketsare designed to be easy to install and remove, if and when fragmentation protection is no longer needed for that vehicle.

    We custom manufacture Each Bulldog 12000 Series Vehicle Fragmentation / Bomb blanket to your exact specifications (contoured, drilled, and cut). Our Vehicle Fragmentation Blanket will arrive at your location ready to install. (Some applications will require a drawing or template to guarantee a proper fit).
    For 2015 to 2025 Year Vehicles Only!

    Please note: specifications and information listed on this page are subject to change without notice.

    Get a Quote

    Passenger Car
    Pick-Up Truck
    Cargo Van
    Passenger Van


    Due to the nature of our products and services, we require some contact information before we can provide you with a price quotation.

    Fields marked with a red asterix (*) are required. Please note: This information is for our confidential records only and will not be sold or provided to any third party. This information is sent using a secure server making your personal information safe. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at 513-281-6700, 9AM-5PM M-F EST.


    *First Name (Please no initials):

    * Last:(Please no initials)

    (if applicable)

    * Street Address:(Sorry, No P.O. Boxes)

    * City:

    * State:

    * Country:

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    * E-Mail Address:

    (this is where your quote will be sent)
    Spam / junk email filters may prevent you from receiving our price quotation.

    * Phone Number:

    (with area code, xxx-xxx-xxxx):

    (with area code):

    Checking this box and clicking the Submit Pricing Request Button you are acknowledging that you have read the below terms and conditions, including our payment, warranty return policy and agree to them .

    All transactions with Bulldog Direct Protective Systems Inc. are governed by these Terms and Conditions of Sales, as listed below. When checking the box below and clicking the Submit Pricing Request button, you are acknowledging that you have read these teams and conditions, including our payment and warranty return policy and agree to them. Jurisdictional Issues: This agreement shall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio, without regard to conflict of law principles. Any action we, or, any third party bring to enforce this agreement or, in connection with, any matters related to this site shall be brought only in either the State or Federal Courts located in the State of Ohio, and you expressly consent to the jurisdiction of said courts. You also expressly consent to pay for any reasonable attorney’s fees for action we, or, any third party bring to enforce, or defend this agreement or, in connection with, any matters related to this site, or sales, and payment disputes. Warranties / Damage Claims: Our Products are warranted for defects in manufacturing only! Our responsibility is to replace products defective in manufacturing only with the same
    or better product, at our sole discretion! Product warranties vary depending on the product. In all cases Bulldog Direct Protective Systems Inc. MUST be notified with in (5) FIVE days of receipt of the product for any possible claims of damage or defects in manufacturing. Any claims after this time frame will not honored. Product Returns: Are not accepted without our expressed written permission. Due to the protective nature of our products: Bulldog Direct Protective Systems Inc. will at its sole discretion replace products defective in manufacture only, providing you follow our return policy described above. unless otherwise noted, all sales are final. Payments: USA Sales:
    We accept payments by: Bank Wire Transfer, Company- Personal Check, or Credit Card [ please add 3% for CC payments]. Export sales: We accept payments by: Bank Wire Transfer. Irrevocable Letter of Credit on a USA Bank. All orders once payment has been made may not be canceled without our expressed written permission. Export Control. The United States Government controls the export of some of our products, services and information. You agree to comply with such restrictions and not export or re-export any materials associated with this web site to countries or persons prohibited under export control laws. By viewing or downloading any such materials, you are agreeing that you are not in a country to which such export is prohibited or are a person or entity to which such export is prohibited.
    You are responsible for compliance with the laws of your local jurisdiction regarding the import, export, or re-export of any such materials. , By sending Bulldog Direct Protective Systems Inc. a Quotation Request, Purchase Order, Purchasing, or any products or services, the BUYER/ Customer represents that he or she agrees to ALL of our terms and conditions, and holds Bulldog Direct Protective Systems Inc. and its manufacturers harmless for any use, of any and all products, services or information listed. It is the responsibility of the BUYER/ customer (not the seller) to ascertain and obey any and all applicable local, State, federal and International laws in regard to use, purchase and possession of these products and services. Warranties. Bulldog Direct Protective Systems Inc. does not warrant the products sold hereunder to be fit for any particular purpose and the BUYER shall assume all risk and liability for results obtained by use of whether singly or in combination with other materials or products. Inasmuch as Bulldog Direct Protective Systems Inc. has no control over the end use to which others may put the materials it does not guarantee that the same results as those herein will be obtained and disclaims responsibility for any consequential damages or death that may occur as a result of such use. Bulldog Direct Protective Systems Inc. Full Terms and Conditions
    Using a credit card for payment does not absolve you from following our terms and conditions of sale.

    29 Aug

    Titanium / Steel Multi-Hit AK-47 Hard Armor Plate

    Titanium / Steel Multi-Hit AK-47 Hard Armor Plate

    NIJ Threat Level III

    Bulldog Direct’s Titanium/Steel plates (in conjunction with a Level IIIA Vest) are capable of stopping multiple hits from 7.62mm X 51 mm (.308 caliber) FMJ and lesser threats such as AK-47/Kalashnikov 7.62 X 39 mm (FMJ). With such protection and at 30% less the weight than our competitors steel hard armor plates, our Titanium/Steel Hard Armor Plates are the best valued hard armor plates on the market today. Our Titanium/Steel combination Hard Armor Plates provide all the protection you will find in Threat Level III steel plates, but at about 30% less the weight.

    Standard Features:
    NIJ threat level III
    Single curve
    Multi-hit capability
    Defeats 7.62 mm NATO 148 gr. (.308 caliber) FMJ at 2780 fps
    Front / Back placement

    Size: 8″x10″ [20×25 cm]
    Weight: 4..8 Lbs. [2.2 Kg]
    Thickness: .70″ [1.8Cm]

    Size: 10″x12″ [25×30 cm]
    Weight: 6.2 Lbs. [2.8 Kg]
    Thickness: .25″ [.63Cm]

    These Chest Plates are not available for sale to the general public.
    Pricing and sales are for law enforcement and government agencies only!

    29 Aug

    Polyethylene Ballistic Plate

    Polyethylene Ballistic Plate

    NIJ Threat Level III
    Single Curve

    An ultra-light rifle plate, the PBP provide excellent protection against high velocity rounds. The PBP is well suited for water (salt water) environments as well as conditions involving heavy vibration. Although this plate is rated NIJ Threat Level III, additional support with a level III-A vest is needed for semi-armor piercing rounds. Protect yourself from high velocity rounds with this incredibly comfortable and ultra-light hard armor plate.

    NIJ Threat level III
    Single curve
    Multi-hit capability
    Front/Back placement

    Size: 10″x12″ [25×30 cm]
    Weight: 3.08 Lbs. [2.2 Kg]
    Thickness: .70″ [1.8Cm]

    These Chest Plates are not available for sale to the general public.
    Pricing and sales are for law enforcement and government agencies only!

    Please note: specifications and information listed on this page are subject to change without notice. Price quotations and invoices will list current updated specifications and information, if any.

    29 Aug

    Ceramic Hard Armor Plates

    Level IV Stand-Alone
    Single Curve

    Ceramic Hard Armor Plate - Threat Level IVSTANDARD FEATURES:

    NIJ Threat Level: IV
    Single Curve
    Multi-hit Capability
    Front/Back placement
    Defeats 7.62mm NATO 148 gr. (.308) FMJ at 2780 fps without additional ballistic support

    Also defeats such rounds as:
    .30 caliber 166 gr. MZ Armor Piercing (AP) at 2880 fps
    30-06 AP 166 gr. at 2850 fps
    12 gauge slug at 0 meters
    7.62 × 51mm NATO ball ammunition at 0 meters
    7.62 × 51mm AP M-61 at 0 meters
    7.62 × 51mm Swiss Munitions AP (WC Core) at 0 meters
    7.62 × 39mm mild steel core, AK-47 at 0 meters
    7.62 × 54mm lead core ball ammunition, Dragunov Sniper Rifle at 0 meters
    7.62 × 54mm AP, Dragunov Sniper Rifle at 0 meters
    7.62 × 63mm AP at 0 meters
    5.56 × 45mm SS109/M855 at 0 meters
    5.56 × 45mm M193 ball at 0 meters
    5.45 × 39mm Russian ball at 0 meters

    Size: 10″x12″ [25×30 cm]
    Weight: 7.2 Lbs. [3.27 Kg
    Thickness: .70″ [1.8Cm]

    These Chest Plates are not available for sale to the general public.
    Pricing and sales are for law enforcement and government agencies only!

    NIJ Threat Level IV

    Ceramic Hard Armor Plate - Threat Level IV, Triple Curve

    This plate is designed to defeat Level IV threats without additional ballistic support. The Triple-Curve design contours with the front of the torso for better movement. It is monolithic in design and has multi-hit capability.

    NIJ Threat Level: IV
    Triple- Curve
    Multi-hit Capability
    Front placement

    Defeats 7.62mm NATO 148 gr. (.308) FMJ at 2780 fps without additional ballistic support
    Also defeats such rounds as:
    .30 caliber 166 gr. MZ Armor Piercing (AP) at 2880 fps
    30-06 AP 166 gr. at 2850 fps
    12 gauge slug at 0 meters
    7.62 × 51mm NATO ball ammunition at 0 meters
    7.62 × 51mm AP M-61 at 0 meters
    7.62 × 51mm Swiss Munitions AP (WC Core) at 0 meters
    7.62 × 39mm mild steel core, AK-47 at 0 meters
    7.62 × 54mm lead core ball ammunition, Dragunov Sniper Rifle at 0 meters
    7.62 × 54mm AP, Dragunov Sniper Rifle at 0 meters
    7.62 × 63mm AP at 0 meters
    5.56 × 45mm SS109/M855 at 0 meters
    5.56 × 45mm M193 ball at 0 meters
    5.45 × 39mm Russian ball at 0 meters

    Size: 10″x12″ [25×30 cm]
    Weight: 7.2 Lbs. [3.27 Kg
    Thickness: .70″ [1.8Cm]

    These Chest Plates ARE NOT available for sale to the general public.
    Pricing and sales are for law enforcement and government agencies only!

    Please note: specifications and information listed on this page are subject to change without notice. 

    29 Aug

    Delta Force Helmet

    Delta Force Helmet

    Helmet Threat Level 3A
    Face Shield Threat Level 2

    The Delta Force Helmet provides all the features that are found in our tactical helmet, but with the added benefit of Threat Level 2 face protection. Our R&D team carefully designed the face shield to provide maximum protection while optimizing the user’s peripheral vision. This allows the user to be totally protected without being disadvantaged in hostile engagements.The Delta Force Helmet is the ultimate in design for providing face and head protection from a wide variety of ballistic threats.

    Standard Features:
    Ideal for Special Operations, SWAT, and Tactical Personal
    Three point suspension system
    Interior shock absorption system
    Ergonomically fit
    Optimal ambient hearing
    Communication device friendly
    Adjustable headband

    NIJ Threat Level IIIA (Helmet)
    NIJ Threat Level II (Face Shield)
    Exceeds military specification MIL-H-44099A
    Exceeds Current PASGT helmet

    Medium= 21″-23″ Weight: 2.4 Lbs
    Large= 22″- 24″ Weight: 2.8 Lbs

    Please note: specifications and information listed on this page are subject to change without notice. Price quotations and invoices will list current updated specifications and information, if any.

    29 Aug

    Tactical Helmet

    Tactical HelmetTactical Helmet


    The innovative design of our Tactical Helmet delivers maximum protection, comfort, and maneuverability. Exceeding military specification MIL-H-44099A and providing NIJ Threat Level IIIA protection, our helmet is superior to the PASGT (Personal Armor System Ground Troops) in form and function. Specifically cut and shaped around the ears, our Tactical Helmet provides optimal hearing so that agents will not be disadvantaged in hostile engagements. With superior shock absorption properties, and a three-point adjustment/suspension (which is offset from the helmet to protect from helmet deformation) our Tactical Helmet is simply the best ballistic helmet on the market today. Exceptionally comfortable, our tactical helmet is one of the strongest and lightest designs on the market today.

    Standard Features:
    Ideal for Special Operations, SWAT, and Tactical Personal
    Three point suspension system
    Interior shock absorption system
    Ergonomically fit
    Optimal ambient hearing
    Communication device friendly
    Adjustable headband

    NIJ Threat Level IIIA

    Medium= 21″-23″ Weight: 2.4 Lbs
    Large= 22″- 24″ Weight: 2.8 Lbs

    Please note: specifications and information listed on this page are subject to change without notice. Price quotations and invoices will list current updated specifications and information, if any.

    29 Aug

    Steel Armor Plate

    Steel Armor Plate | Steel Body ArmorStandard Steel Armor Plate, MIL-A-46100, MIL-A-12560 Class 1 

    Bulldog Commercial Steel Armor Plate is a high hard commercial ballistic steel that is a quenched and tempered steel armor plate which meets National Institute of Justice (N.I.J.) and Underwriters Laboratories (U.L.) threat levels.

    Commercial / Non-Military Applications:
    Bulldog Steel Armor Plate is used in the manufacture of money haulers, personal armored vehicles, riot shields, body armor, vehicle door panels, safe rooms, guard booths, bank counters. Bulldog Steel Armor Plate is also used in land mine and blast protection applications.

    Bulldog Direct Protective Systems Inc. is a supplier of military grade Steel Armor Plate 1/8″ through to 2″ and above to the U.S. Department of Defense. Bulldog Steel Armor Armor Plates are used in the manufacture of the U.S. Army’s main battle tank, armored hummves, as well as numerous other armored military applications.

    Many armored vehicle builders/manufacturers use Bulldog Steel Armor Plate exclusively.
    The most highly armored U.S. Government vehicles used in transporting dignitaries, heads of state and other VIPs, along with armored “Protective Detail Vehicles” are manufactured with Bulldog Steel Armor Plate.
    Standard Steel Products: Standard Steel Armor Plate, MIL-A-46100, MIL-A-12560 Class 1 . Standard sheet size is 48″X96″ larger sizes are available: 48”X120”, 48”X144”,96”X96″,96”X120”, 96”X144” 96”X288”. The smallest sheet size that we sell is 48″X96″. If you require a smaller size we can cut a standard 48″X96″  sheet down to your request size for an additional  fee. Our Steel Armor Plate is made in the USA.


    Steel Armor Plates
    ProductThreatThicknessSheet SizeLbs per Sq.Ft.
    BD/SAP3.9mm,.357,& .44 magnum Handguns and lesser threats3mm / 1/8″48″ x 96″5.1 Lbs.
     BD/SAP3167.62×39 ball [ AK-47 ] rounds and lesser threats3/16″48″x96″7.65 Lbs.
    BD/SAP147.62x 51 rounds and lesser threats1/4″48″x96″10.2 Lbs.
     BD/SAP5167.62x 51 m-80 ball rounds and lesser threats5/16″48″x96″12.7 Lbs.
    BD/SAP385.56x45mm [ M193] rounds and lesser threats3/8″48″x96″15.3 Lbs.
    BD/SAP12.30-06- AP, 7.62 Nato-AP, M61-AP ,7.62x39BZI rounds and lesser threats1/2″48″x96″20.4 Lbs.

    Please note: specifications and information listed on this page are subject to change without notice.

    Ballistic Charts.

    Get a Quote

    48" X 96" (Standard Size)48" X 120"48" X 144"96" X 96"96" X 120"96" X 144"96" X 288"

    Steel Armor Plate: 1/8" x 48"x 96" 5.1 lbs per sq.ft. NIJ Level IIIA/ CEN B-4 Protection From:.9mm, .357 and.44 Magnum Handguns and lesser threats

    Steel Armor Plate: 3/16" x 48" x 96" 7.65 lbs per sq.ft. NIJ Level III for AK-47 /CEN B-5 Protection From: 7.62x39 ball AK-47 @ 2380-2450 fps and lesser threats

    Steel Armor Plate: 1/4" x 48" x 96" 12.1 lbs per sq.ft. NIJ Level III/ CEN B-6 Protection From: 7.62 x51 ball @ 2700-2800 fps and lesser threats

    Steel Armor Plate: 5/16" x 48" x 96" 12.7 lbs per sq.ft. NIJ Level III/ CEN B-6 Protection From: 7.62 x51 M80 Ball @ 2700-2800 fps and lesser threats

    Steel Armor Plate: 3/8" x 48" x 96" 15.4 lbs per sq.ft. NIJ Level III+ / CEN B-6+ Protection From: 5.56x45mm M193 @3080-3388 fps and lesser threats

    Steel Armor Plate: 1/2" x 48" x 96" 20.4 lbs per sq.ft.NIJ Level IV / CEN B-7 Protection From: 30-06 AP @ 2800-2900 fps., 7x62x39 BZI @ 2380-2450 fps 7.62 Nato M61AP @2625-2657 fps. and lesser threats.

    Due to the nature of our products and services, we require some contact information before we can provide you with a price quotation.

    Fields marked with a red asterix (*) are required. Please note: This information is for our confidential records only and will not be sold or provided to any third party. This information is sent using a secure server making your personal information safe. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at 513-281-6700, 9AM-5PM M-F EST.


    *First Name (Please no initials):

    * Last:(Please no initials)

    (if applicable)

    * Street Address:(Sorry, no P.O. )

    * City:

    * State:

    * Country:

    * Zip Code:

    * E-Mail Address:

    (this is where your quote will be sent)
    Spam / junk email filters may prevent you from receiving our price quotation.

    * Phone Number:

    (with area code, xxx-xxx-xxxx):

    (with area code):

    Checking this box and clicking the Submit Pricing Request Button you are acknowledging that you have read the below terms and conditions, including our payment, warranty return policy and agree to them .

    All transactions with Bulldog Direct Protective Systems Inc. are governed by these Terms and Conditions of Sales, as listed below. When checking the box below and clicking the Submit Pricing Request button, you are acknowledging that you have read these teams and conditions, including our payment and warranty return policy and agree to them. Jurisdictional Issues: This agreement shall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio, without regard to conflict of law principles. Any action we, or, any third party bring to enforce this agreement or, in connection with, any matters related to this site shall be brought only in either the State or Federal Courts located in the State of Ohio, and you expressly consent to the jurisdiction of said courts. You also expressly consent to pay for any reasonable attorney’s fees for action we, or, any third party bring to enforce, or defend this agreement or, in connection with, any matters related to this site, or sales, and payment disputes. Warranties / Damage Claims: Our Products are warranted for defects in manufacturing only! Our responsibility is to replace products defective in manufacturing only with the same
    or better product, at our sole discretion! Product warranties vary depending on the product. In all cases Bulldog Direct Protective Systems Inc. MUST be notified with in (5) FIVE days of receipt of the product for any possible claims of damage or defects in manufacturing. Any claims after this time frame will not honored. Product Returns: Are not accepted without our expressed written permission. Due to the protective nature of our products: Bulldog Direct Protective Systems Inc. will at its sole discretion replace products defective in manufacture only, providing you follow our return policy described above. unless otherwise noted, all sales are final. Payments: USA Sales:
    We accept payments by: Bank Wire Transfer, Company- Personal Check, or Credit Card [ please add 3% for CC payments]. Export sales: We accept payments by: Bank Wire Transfer. Irrevocable Letter of Credit on a USA Bank. All orders once payment has been made may not be canceled without our expressed written permission. Export Control. The United States Government controls the export of some of our products, services and information. You agree to comply with such restrictions and not export or re-export any materials associated with this web site to countries or persons prohibited under export control laws. By viewing or downloading any such materials, you are agreeing that you are not in a country to which such export is prohibited or are a person or entity to which such export is prohibited.
    You are responsible for compliance with the laws of your local jurisdiction regarding the import, export, or re-export of any such materials. , By sending Bulldog Direct Protective Systems Inc. a Quotation Request, Purchase Order, Purchasing, or any products or services, the BUYER/ Customer represents that he or she agrees to ALL of our terms and conditions, and holds Bulldog Direct Protective Systems Inc. and its manufacturers harmless for any use, of any and all products, services or information listed. It is the responsibility of the BUYER/ customer (not the seller) to ascertain and obey any and all applicable local, State, federal and International laws in regard to use, purchase and possession of these products and services. Warranties. Bulldog Direct Protective Systems Inc. does not warrant the products sold hereunder to be fit for any particular purpose and the BUYER shall assume all risk and liability for results obtained by use of whether singly or in combination with other materials or products. Inasmuch as Bulldog Direct Protective Systems Inc. has no control over the end use to which others may put the materials it does not guarantee that the same results as those herein will be obtained and disclaims responsibility for any consequential damages or death that may occur as a result of such use. Bulldog Direct Protective Systems Inc. Full Terms and Conditions
    Using a credit card for payment does not absolve you from following our terms and conditions of sale.

    29 Aug

    Steel Armor Plate

    Steel Armor Plate | Steel Body ArmorStandard Steel Armor Plate, MIL-A-46100, MIL-A-12560 Class 1 

    Bulldog Commercial Steel Armor Plate is a high hard commercial ballistic steel that is a quenched and tempered steel armor plate which meets National Institute of Justice (N.I.J.) and Underwriters Laboratories (U.L.) threat levels.

    Commercial / Non-Military Applications:
    Bulldog Steel Armor Plate is used in the manufacture of money haulers, personal armored vehicles, riot shields, body armor, vehicle door panels, safe rooms, guard booths, bank counters. Bulldog Steel Armor Plate is also used in land mine and blast protection applications.

    Bulldog Direct Protective Systems Inc. is a supplier of military grade Steel Armor Plate 1/8″ through to 2″ and above to the U.S. Department of Defense. Bulldog Steel Armor Armor Plates are used in the manufacture of the U.S. Army’s main battle tank, armored hummves, as well as numerous other armored military applications.

    Many armored vehicle builders/manufacturers use Bulldog Steel Armor Plate exclusively.
    The most highly armored U.S. Government vehicles used in transporting dignitaries, heads of state and other VIPs, along with armored “Protective Detail Vehicles” are manufactured with Bulldog Steel Armor Plate.
    Standard Steel Products: Standard Steel Armor Plate, MIL-A-46100, MIL-A-12560 Class 1 . Standard sheet size is 48″X96″ larger sizes are available: 48”X120”, 48”X144”,96”X96″,96”X120”, 96”X144” 96”X288”. The smallest sheet size that we sell is 48″X96″. If you require a smaller size we can cut a standard 48″X96″  sheet down to your request size for an additional  fee. Our Steel Armor Plate is made in the USA.


    Steel Armor Plates
    ProductThreatThicknessSheet SizeLbs per Sq.Ft.
    BD/SAP3.9mm,.357,& .44 magnum Handguns and lesser threats3mm / 1/8″48″ x 96″5.1 Lbs.
     BD/SAP3167.62×39 ball [ AK-47 ] rounds and lesser threats3/16″48″x96″7.65 Lbs.
    BD/SAP147.62x 51 rounds and lesser threats1/4″48″x96″10.2 Lbs.
     BD/SAP5167.62x 51 m-80 ball rounds and lesser threats5/16″48″x96″12.7 Lbs.
    BD/SAP385.56x45mm [ M193] rounds and lesser threats3/8″48″x96″15.3 Lbs.
    BD/SAP12.30-06- AP, 7.62 Nato-AP, M61-AP ,7.62x39BZI rounds and lesser threats1/2″48″x96″20.4 Lbs.

    Please note: specifications and information listed on this page are subject to change without notice.

    Ballistic Charts.

    Get a Quote

    48" X 96" (Standard Size)48" X 120"48" X 144"96" X 96"96" X 120"96" X 144"96" X 288"

    Steel Armor Plate: 1/8" x 48"x 96" 5.1 lbs per sq.ft. NIJ Level IIIA/ CEN B-4 Protection From:.9mm, .357 and.44 Magnum Handguns and lesser threats

    Steel Armor Plate: 3/16" x 48" x 96" 7.65 lbs per sq.ft. NIJ Level III for AK-47 /CEN B-5 Protection From: 7.62x39 ball AK-47 @ 2380-2450 fps and lesser threats

    Steel Armor Plate: 1/4" x 48" x 96" 12.1 lbs per sq.ft. NIJ Level III/ CEN B-6 Protection From: 7.62 x51 ball @ 2700-2800 fps and lesser threats

    Steel Armor Plate: 5/16" x 48" x 96" 12.7 lbs per sq.ft. NIJ Level III/ CEN B-6 Protection From: 7.62 x51 M80 Ball @ 2700-2800 fps and lesser threats

    Steel Armor Plate: 3/8" x 48" x 96" 15.4 lbs per sq.ft. NIJ Level III+ / CEN B-6+ Protection From: 5.56x45mm M193 @3080-3388 fps and lesser threats

    Steel Armor Plate: 1/2" x 48" x 96" 20.4 lbs per sq.ft.NIJ Level IV / CEN B-7 Protection From: 30-06 AP @ 2800-2900 fps., 7x62x39 BZI @ 2380-2450 fps 7.62 Nato M61AP @2625-2657 fps. and lesser threats.

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    All transactions with Bulldog Direct Protective Systems Inc. are governed by these Terms and Conditions of Sales, as listed below. When checking the box below and clicking the Submit Pricing Request button, you are acknowledging that you have read these teams and conditions, including our payment and warranty return policy and agree to them. Jurisdictional Issues: This agreement shall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio, without regard to conflict of law principles. Any action we, or, any third party bring to enforce this agreement or, in connection with, any matters related to this site shall be brought only in either the State or Federal Courts located in the State of Ohio, and you expressly consent to the jurisdiction of said courts. You also expressly consent to pay for any reasonable attorney’s fees for action we, or, any third party bring to enforce, or defend this agreement or, in connection with, any matters related to this site, or sales, and payment disputes. Warranties / Damage Claims: Our Products are warranted for defects in manufacturing only! Our responsibility is to replace products defective in manufacturing only with the same
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